Halifax Courier

The importance of caring and sharing



An elderly couple were having lunch at a fast-food restaurant and a young man sitting nearby noticed that they only ordered one meal and an extra cup. As he watched, the gentleman carefully halved the burger and counted out the chips dividing them into two piles. Then he poured half of the cola into the extra cup and sat in front of his wife.

She sat there waiting and not eating with her hands folded while her husband started eating his half meal. Feeling a little concerned and sorry the young man walked across and offered to buy a meal so that each could have one.

The old man said: “Oh no! We’ve been married for 56 years and we always share our food 50/50.”

“Well,” said the young man to the old woman, “Do you mind me asking why you’re waiting and not eating yet?”

“Not at all,” she said, “It’s his turn with the teeth.”

This is where caring and sharing take on a new meaning!

Yet it is important that we care for one another – that we pray for one another – that we look for opportunit­ies to help one another. Jesus said: “Love each other as I have loved you.”

We need to be diligent in our caring and sharing with others. There are many in our society that need our love. One of the worst situations that any person could be in is to feel that nobody cares – that they are not wanted – they are lonely.

If you reach the situation where you feel that nobody cares about you, then can I assure you that God cares – that he loves you. He loved and cared for you so much that He sent his Son so that you might have life.

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