Grimsby Telegraph

New choir for those who love singing - but have been told they are tone deaf



A CHOIR designed for people who love singing but can’t do it very well is launching in New Waltham. The Can’t Sing Choir will start at the New Waltham Community Pavilion on Tuesday, April 18, and will run every Tuesday from 7.15pm to 9pm.

The “fun” group will give people the chance to have their singing voice heard – even if they’ve been told they “sound awful”. Naomi Reddyhoff, 63, moved to the area two-and-a-half years ago and launched choirs in her home village of North Somercotes and nearby Louth. Following on from their success and strong interest from people in New Waltham, she decided to launch a third group there.

She told Grimsby Live: “I have a belief that everyone has a right to sing.

“A lot of people love to sing, they sing in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the car, but were told when they were younger to be quiet or mime in the choir because they can’t sing, or their family might have said, ‘Oh, you sound awful’. But it doesn’t actually matter how you sound, because collective­ly we sound great. “Singing is really good for you and it releases endorphins and, when you’re singing as a group, that’s exaggerate­d. It’s really good if you’re feeling depressed, it’s good for loneliness, it’s fabulously social.” Naomi said her choirs in North Somercotes and Louth have been great support systems for women going through bereavemen­t and a good way of making friends. “There were quite a few ladies who had lost their husbands and it offered support for bereavemen­t,” she said. “The choir becomes more than just a choir. It’s great fun because we belt out our favourite songs by the likes of Abba and, at Christmas, we sing lots of Christmas songs. We get asked to sing in pubs, it’s good fun. “I’ve made some good friends and we always have a hoot. It’s fabulous fun, it’s such a laugh.” Naomi said the choir is open to anyone and that the group is always in need of more men. She said: It’s open to people who can’t sing but it’s open to anyone at all.

“We always need more men, we never get enough men. It’s a woman thing, we really need men.”

So far, around 15 people have booked to join the Can’t Sing choir in New Waltham – but Naomi is hoping to attract up to 70 members. In the future, she hopes to set up a fourth choir in central Grimsby. To enquire about joining the Can’t Sing Choir, email sing@ cantsingch­ or message their Facebook page at www. facebook. com/ profile. php? id= 1000825705­19347

I’ve made some good friends and we always have a hoot. It’s fabulous fun, it’s such a laugh

Naomi Reddyhoff

 ?? ?? The Can’t Sing Choir will be held every Tuesday at the New Waltham Pavilion
The Can are regularly invited to sing in pubs and at other events
The Can’t Sing Choir will be held every Tuesday at the New Waltham Pavilion The Can are regularly invited to sing in pubs and at other events

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