Good Housekeeping (UK)


- Gaby Huddart EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Were there a woman who illustrate­s how times have changed for us, it would have to be this month’s cover star, Jenny Agutter. Stylish, energetic, witty and bursting with curiosity to try new things, at 66 she proves how former notions about midlife should be confined to history. ‘I’ve found a kind of freedom in my 60s; I feel liberated. I’ve started to forget about having to be a certain way, and I’m just enjoying life. I’m getting on and doing the stuff I want to do,’ she says. This includes abseiling down a 50ft drop for the first time last year and regularly going to rock concerts. ‘I don’t believe in rules. There’s nothing I feel “too old” to do,’ says Jenny. Hear, hear to that!

As you can tell from the pictures, on the day of our photoshoot with Jenny we were blessed with wonderful sunshine. With more good weather on the horizon, in this issue we’re bringing you all you need to make the most of alfresco living. Cookery director Meike and her team have come up with some fabulous barbecue recipes, and homes director Carolyn and her team show us how to transform an ordinary back yard into a relaxing oasis.

For many, this time of year signals the start of the holiday season and, if you haven’t yet decided where to go, our Travel Special is packed with ideas. From UK weekends away to far-flung tours and luxurious cruises, I’m sure there’ll be something there for you. And do check out our exclusive new Good Housekeepi­ng Holidays (as a Downton Abbey fan, I love the sound of the open-air concert at Highclere Castle!). Whether or not you’re going away, in our feature We Found Joy

Outside Our Comfort Zones, readers reveal how taking up a new pastime can bring adventure into your life. I’m not sure I want to try icy open-water swimming or do a triathlon but, inspired by their stories, I have signed up to run a half-marathon. Wish me luck!

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