Good Housekeeping (UK)


Longing to try it but beginner’s nerves, body angst and style stress holding you back? Forget your fears with our guide…


Oh, how we envy yoga devotees – those relaxed, loose-limbed women zipping about with yoga mats under their arms. You may feel too nervous to try it for yourself, but trust us, yoga is not a secret society nor as difficult as it looks. Time to stop finding excuses, join a group and unroll your mat.

Why we should try yoga

It can give us the kind of calming and spiritual break we all need. Yoga offers time when you can switch off, soothe aches and check your emotional health. An hour on the mat may lead to better sleep and help you be more productive.

It has so many benefits…

Yoga doesn’t just tone your body – its blend of posture-strengthen­ing, breathing, relaxation and meditation techniques cares for our bodies as well as our emotional wellbeing.

• HEALTH GAINS Studies show yoga can help lower blood pressure, ease migraines and back pain, stave off food cravings and reduce the effects of some symptoms of the menopause.

• FITNESS WINS Yoga is real exercise! Along with improving your flexibilit­y and balance, practising will also, with the right style, see you gain strength and burn calories.

• STRESS FIXES The combinatio­n of poses and focused breathing helps to lower levels of stress-related hormones in your body, which can reduce tension and anxiety.

• CONFIDENCE BOOST Yoga can nurture a positive self-image. When you feel strong, you’re more able to handle stress and your confidence soars!


Not sure where to begin? Try our easy, three-point plan

1 Find the style for you

There are lots of different forms to try – from hatha, vinyasa and ashtanga to Bikram, kundalini and many more. But don’t get hung up on just one or rush to try the newest trend that’s proving popular at your local gym. Start with a gentle, all-embracing form of yoga to ease you in. We recommend trying hatha first.


Hatha can be gentle or dynamic but, because of its generally slower pace, it’s the best choice for new starters.

• WHAT’S IT LIKE? Every hatha session is different, with much depending on the teacher, but all classes include similar elements. A class typically begins with tuning into your breath – you’ll often be seated or lying down at this point – followed by some gentle stretches. You will then move on to poses, some of which you may have heard about, such as sun salutation­s, the Warrior or the Triangle. The class is also likely to include some balancing poses with twists and bends. It will finish with relaxation.

• SOUNDS TRICKY… Don’t be fazed. ‘There is a focus on alignment,’ says yoga expert Pippa Richardson. ‘But it’s a great place to begin yoga practice, as the pace gives you time to be clear about what your body is being asked to do.’

• WHO DOES IT SUIT? ‘Everyone!’ says Pippa. ‘I have students from all walks of life – from stressed-out business people to busy mums and athletes. Yoga has the capacity to give the mind and body exactly what it needs.’ • WHAT ARE THE WELLBEING BENEFITS?

The physical poses of yoga give us flexibilit­y and strength, while added breath work can stimulate the nervous system, offering the ultimate in stress relief. ‘This is where yoga has the potential to provide benefits away from the mat, offering us tools to help us deal with life’s ups and downs,’ says Pippa.

Pippa teaches classes in London and Buckingham­shire. Visit

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