Gloucestershire Echo

Getting to grips with new skills


VISITORS to Cheltenham Croquet Club had a ball during an open day.

Newcomers to the sport enjoyed a taste of the sport from current members.

The club, which is one of the largest and oldest in Britain, is also the home to the national Croquet Associatio­n.

All variations of croquet are played throughout the year.

In 2005 the club hosted the World Championsh­ips and in 2009 Cheltenham hosted the Mitsubishi Motors European Team Championsh­ip.

The next taster day will be held on Sunday, May 12, from 10am-3pm.

For more visit cheltenham­

 ?? Pictures: Eloisa Wildsmith ?? Jill Bateman and Roger Willbourn at the taster day at Cheltenham Croquet Club
Pictures: Eloisa Wildsmith Jill Bateman and Roger Willbourn at the taster day at Cheltenham Croquet Club
 ??  ?? Adam Moliver with Helen and Tim Justice.
Adam Moliver with Helen and Tim Justice.

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