Glasgow Times

Drunk bit cop after he got trapped in train station ticket barriers


ADRUNK man who kicked off at a Glasgow railway station got trapped in the ticket barriers before biting a cop.

Kevin McGuire’s solicitor told Glasgow Sheriff Court that it was “clear” his client should not drink alcohol following the incident on April 22 this year.

The court heard that around 10pm, McGuire turned up at Glasgow Queen Street station heavily under the influence of drink.

The 33-year-old approached a female staff member before going through the ticket barriers then returning and saying: “You’ve caused me nothing but trouble for this ticket.”

McGuire, from Craigend, began to aggressive­ly shout that he had been assaulted.

The depute fiscal said he continued shouting and swearing and aggressive­ly pointing his finger.

He then tried to push back through the barriers and was saying that another passenger had assaulted him.

The person with him tried to calm him down but this did not work so the cops were called to the scene.

When police arrived they observed McGuire wedged in the ticket barrier.

The prosecutor said: “He was extricated from the barrier and further attempts were made to try to calm him down. He was still complainin­g about being assaulted and pointing at random passengers.

“The accused would not calm down and was arrested.”

During the arrest, McGuire struggled with police and bit police constable Christophe­r Stewart on the right wrist before handcuffs were finally applied.

His defence brief said he had committed this type of offence before.

The lawyer said: “It is clear to me and to him that he shouldn’t drink.

“He has done something to try to address the drink problem.”

Sheriff Allan Findlay hit him with a tag, keeping him at home from 8pm til 7am for six months.

It’s clear to me and to him that he shouldn’t drink

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