Glasgow Times

Couple seeking compensati­on


LANDOWNERS whose fields were damaged by West Dunbartons­hire Council contractor­s who accessed the land without permission believe they should be compensate­d by the local authority.

Graham Parton and his partner Susan Dick, who are in negotiatio­ns with the council over the ownership of land at Milton, say contractor­s entered their land to carry out work on at least three occasions without a prior agreement.

The council, who want to acquire the land at Milton as part of the Exxon deal, say that permission was granted on all but one occasion. They are now offering the couple the chance to submit an insurance claim.

The issue was brought before a full council meeting last week.

Mr Parton said: “A few weeks ago and not for the first time more contractor­s have accessed our land seemingly under the impression that it belonged to West Dunbartons­hire Council.

“They have actually dug up our road, which is private, destroyed trees and fencing and dumped rubble onto the field. We have confirmati­on that this was caused by the council after initial denial.

“There have as mentioned above been other occasions when either damage has been caused by your contractor­s or contractor­s have been on our land without prior notificati­on and of course surveys have also been carried out without our prior knowledge or consent.”

SNP councillor Iain McLaren said that access to the site had been granted by Mr Parton on a number of occasions. He said: “Mr Parton and Ms Dick would prefer to submit an insurance claim rather than repair work carried out and an insurance form has been sent out which should be with them by close of play today. (Wednesday, May 26).

“I offer my apologies for this and wish to assure them that spoils have been removed. The roads section has also confirmed that this is the only time unauthoris­ed access has taken place on the land and they fully admit this is an error.

“We are working with them fully on the insurance claim.”

Ms Dick and Mr Parton contested these claims and said that permission had only been granted on two occasions for the soil testing and topographi­cal survey.

Ms Dick said: “There were at least three other occasions when the council were on the land without permission. We made it quite clear that the spoils were not to be removed so if they have been I will be quite angry. Our preferred method is not insurance.

“Liability has been admitted here. I really feel compensati­on is the way forward.”

They have actually dug up our road, which is private, destroyed trees and fencing and dumped rubble onto the field

 ??  ?? Susan Dick, above, and right, a computer generated image of what the area could look like
Susan Dick, above, and right, a computer generated image of what the area could look like

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