Glasgow Times

Thug threatens to ‘run gay neighbours out’ then loses leg


A HOMOPHOBIC thug who threatened to “run neighbours out of Dennistoun” had a leg amputated months later.

Glasgow Sheriff Court heard a string of complaints against James McCoo, including racist abuse of a nurse, homophobic abuse of his neighbours and a rampage in a charity shop.

But the 56-year-old was spared jail as a sheriff heard he had turned his life around since losing his leg.

The court first heard that police were called to Stobhill Hospital after reports by nursing staff that McCoo, from Dennistoun, was acting erraticall­y.

When police attended, around 7pm on November 9, 2019, he appeared calm so they left the scene.

But officers were then stopped and told the accused had started to behave in an aggressive way to hospital nursing staff.

The court was told he shouted: “Are you an illegal immigrant? Go back to f ****** France,” at one nurse.

He was placed under arrest and transferre­d to a more suitable ward.

On August 26, 2020, McCoo threatened staff and volunteers at the

Mary’s Meals charity shop on Duke Street.

Around 11am on August 26, 2020, McCoo appeared at the shop in the East End and told staff he felt unwell.

He was offered a drink of water and a seat.

McCoo then started trying on shirts and trousers to be told by staff that Covid-19 restrictio­ns meant this was not allowed.

He said: “I can do what I f ****** want if I am buying it. Don’t tell me what to do you cow,” to a volunteer.

He left the store but then returned and grabbed a shelf unit and tried to pull it over.

McCoo then picked up a bottle of hand sanitiser and threw it.

Police were called but he had left the scene. He was arrested later that day.

On September 3, 2020, just after midnight McCoo’s neighbour was at home for the night when he heard a male voice shouting from the garden and recognised McCoo.

He began shouting: “F ****** let me in, f ****** a ******** , you are p ***** b ******* , you’re s ******* each other.

“I’ll run you out of Dennistoun.”

Around 11am on September 12, 2020, the same witness and his husband were returning home when they saw McCoo.

He began another homophobic tirade and shouted: “I thought I had run you out you grassing b ******* .

“I’m going to get you evicted. P **** b ******* .”

Police attended and arrested McCoo who said: “This is p***,” in reply to caution and charge.

The court heard McCoo had his leg amputated not long after the incidents due to complicati­ons with diabetes.

In his defence, McCoo’s lawyer said his life had been turned around since losing his leg.

The defence brief said his client relies on the support of the Salvation Army as he adjusts to disability.

Sheriff Valerie May sentenced McCoo to a restrictio­n of liberty order keeping him at home from 8pm to 7am for a total of 145 days.

She said: “The way you have been living has had an affect on your own physical health – you have lost a leg.

“You are being supported by the Salvation Army and you need to take that support.

“You need to stop your offending and start looking after yourself.”

I thought I had run you out you grassing b *******

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