Glasgow Times

Thug issued warning to cops as he held needle


ATHUG brandished a needle at police and threatened to stab them with it. Stuart Kilpatrick, 33, initially shouted and swore at the officers at his parents’ home in Glasgow’s Pollok on March 5, 2019.

He then took out the hypodermic needle used for insulin and struggled violently with the officers.

Kilpatrick pleaded guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to threatenin­g or abusive behaviour and resisting, obstructin­g or hindering police.

The court heard officers attended the property on Muirshiel Crescent due allegation­s of a disturbanc­e.

Prosecutor Emily Macreath said: “Kilpatrick shouted and swore at them.

“He then pen which took has out an a metal insulin needle attached and held it above his head saying he would use it on the officers.”

Kilpatrick, of the city’s Nitshill, refused to put it down before officers drew their batons but he continued to struggle.

He yelled: “F*** you, I will f***ing stab f*** out of you as well, you c***.”

It needed four extra officers eventually control Kilpatrick.

Stephen Bentley, defending, said: “Clearly this would have been a to very alarming an anxious situation for the officers to have found themselves in and that’s recognised by Mr Kilpatrick.”

Sentence was deferred until the end of the month for background reports

Sheriff John McCormick said: “You brandished a hypodermic needle at officers and refused to put it down.

“They had to request assistance from colleagues who you struggled with and threatened.”

 ??  ?? The incident took place in Pollok
The incident took place in Pollok

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