Glasgow Times

‘ Sort it while you’re young – it’s as key as writing your will’


AGLASGOW woman whose husband suffered a debilitati­ng brain haemorrhag­e is urging people to appoint a power of attorney before it’s too late.

Anne Coia, from Tollcross, suffered “incredible stress and heartache” when her husband David suddenly became ill in 2016 at the age of 64.

The family’s anguish at his shock illness was compounded by the fact that no- one had power of attorney ( POA), so they had no legal power to make major decisions about important matters like David’s care or financial affairs.

Anne is now backing calls from Glasgow’s Health & Social Care Partnershi­p ( HSCP) for people to contact their lawyer and get the legal document prepared in case it’s needed.

The 67- year- old said: “David was the last person you’d expect to get sick. He was fit and active, but he had a genetic condition, and no- one knew.

“We were aware of POA, but it was the classic case of ‘ we’ll organise it when we’re older’. Ironically, we were about a month away from starting the process when David became ill.

“He was so cognitivel­y impaired by his brain haemorrhag­e that he was deemed to have lost mental capacity.

“Because no- one had POA, I had to go another legal route – applying for guardiansh­ip – to be able to make decisions on his behalf.

“It was a long, complicate­d, stressful and expensive process, and in the meantime, we had doctors and social workers making decisions about David’s care.

“He ended up in a home for two years and I had to ask permission from the courts before I could do things like sell our house.”

After going through the courts and eventually gaining legal guardiansh­ip, Anne brought David home to live and became his full- time carer.

She said: “It was an incredibly stressful process and something I know David would not have wished upon his family.

“Three years down the line, I’m having to go through the whole process again to renew my guardiansh­ip. Things would have been so much simpler if we’d set up POA early.

“I’d really encourage people to sort it out while they are young – don’t put it off. You never know when it might be needed – after what we have been through, my sons, who are in their 30s, have already appointed theirs.”

Today is POA Day and Glasgow’s HSCP is highlighti­ng the importance of POAs for peace of mind.

City convener for health and social care Councillor Mhairi Hunter said: “Anne’s story is very touching and illustrate­s clearly why it is so important not to put off setting up POA.

“People often wrongly assume that their next- of- kin will automatica­lly be able to make decisions for and about them if they lose mental capacity, either through an illness like dementia or an accident.

“However, that is not the case, unless they have POA.

“No- one likes to think about the prospect of becoming ill, but you never know what is round the corner in life, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

“Setting up POA is just as important as writing a will.

“It means you can have peace of mind, safe in the knowledge that one or two trusted people will be able to look after your best interests if you aren’t able to make decisions for yourself.”

To find out more about POA visit mypowerofa­

 ??  ?? Anne Coia regrets not seeking power of attorney for husband David
Anne Coia regrets not seeking power of attorney for husband David

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