Glasgow Times



GLASGOW could soon experience a “tsunami” o f ment a l h e a l t h problems as the city’s residents continue to battle the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Labour councillor Gary Gray says more measures need to be put in place throughout the city to help people struggling to cope allowing them to speak out about their feelings.

Councillor Gray, who is also a minister, has been made aware that many people have been fighting with their mental health during the coronaviru­s pandemic as almost a quarter of phone calls made to Samaritans since March have been about the virus.

He said: “All lives are precious; they all matter no matter who you are or what you are.

“We are going to experience a tsunami of mental health issues in the aftermath of coronaviru­s and we have a long way to go to prepare and to help people.

“Some people feel they can’t speak to anyone about their feelings and don’t ask for help. We need to stress that it is okay not to be okay. There are people out there who care and want to help.

“The first time someone speaks out about their mental health is a step to recovery. It makes us a stronger person that can stand up and talk about our feelings.”

Samaritans, a charity set up to listen to those struggling to cope, has issued some tips throughout the pandemic and during lockdown.

They want to remind everyone that this is a difficult time, and it is okay be finding things tough. Staying connected is really imp or tant – now more than ever. Reaching out to family and friends can be an crucial step to reduce isolation.

Rachel Cackett, executive director of Samaritans Scotland, said: “This is a difficult and uncertain time as the coronaviru­s continues to impact all our lives. So, it’s more important than ever that everyone feels able to ask for help and get the right support at the right time.

“Since lockdown began our volunteers have provided emotional support over a million times and almost a quarter of those calls for help have been about coronaviru­s with people feeling concerned about isolation, mental health and illness, as well as family and finance.

“As national and local government and services continue to take steps curb the spread of the virus and plan for recovery, it’s vital that supporting mental health and wellbeing continues to be a priority, including targeted support for groups who evidence suggest may be particular­ly affected such as young people, middleaged men and people with pre- existing mental health conditions.

“And as social restrictio­ns and unc er tainty continues, it’s important to remember that there are steps we can all take to look after our mental health and look out for others.

“Continuing to check in on one another and sharing how we are feeling – whether it’s with a friend, family member or a confidenti­al helpline like Samaritans – can help us all to stay connected.”

If you are finding things difficult, volunteers are always there to listen. Call for free on 116 123, email jo@ samaritans. org or visit www. samaritans. org. Or find more free resources at www. samritans. org

Informatio­n and online support including the Samaritans selfhelp app which has some really simple, practical tips and exercises can be used anytime anywhere at www. samaritans. org

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