Glasgow Times


- Kat Hunter

Glasgow seeks alliance to demand bigger share of public funds for poorer areas

It’s time for Susan Aitken to go.

She has raised extra money over the past three years, increasing everyone’s council tax, and she has managed to ensure that Glasgow is looking tired and dirty.

The “toxic and depressing “politics she has led over in Glasgow must be addressed and it now needs someone else to give it fresh hope for the future.

The SNP are gambling with the votes in Glasgow – Susan Aitken has no fresh ideas, only popular sound- bites and no action.

A Quinn

Five classes in quarantine at Glasgow primary as mum of Covid- positive pupil says school ‘ should shut’

What don’t people get? This is being spread through the schools. All schools will be shut in a couple of weeks. Why drag it out like they did the lockdown ?

John McMahon

One parent wants a whole school to close as several children have a virus that has killed one very ill under- 25year- old over the past nine months. Sounds like one person to not listen to. Andrew Burns

The kids are coming home to grandparen­ts cause are parents working, so if kids get it from school, grandparen­ts are getting it.

It’s so true what people say. If it doesn’t affect you or your age group, stuff the rest of them... so selfish.

So she’s not being hysterical, she’s trying to protect all the families that the kids are going home to.

The mum with asthma, the mum that’s pregnant, the working mum who has gran there to help her... the kids are fine, but who are they going home to?

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