Glasgow Times

Clan captain wary of losing stars


GLASGOW Clan captain Matt Haywood has warned ice hockey in the UK may lose some of their top players because of the coronaviru­s pandemic.

The 29-year-old is one of many players up and down the country who may have to make a decision on their futures in the sport as uncertaint­y grows over when the Elite League may start again.

Although December, with pre-season games in November, is the proposed timeline, Haywood remains hopeful, but reckons it would be sad to see some talented players decide to hang up their skates so soon because they have to take up employment to bring in some much-needed income.

“I hope seeing guys go out of the game doesn’t happen, but I accept it’s a possibilit­y for some, especially for older players perhaps,” he said. “I really hope that isn’t the case at all with everything they’ve done for the game. It’s been a long break for them and I think those guys maybe thinking that way have a couple of years or more to give. It would certainly be sad to see them go out that way and for me, wouldn’t deserve a send off that way.

“We’ve had seven players retire from the team last year and while I don’t know for certain the reasons why they’ve ended their careers, I wouldn’t be surprised if at least a couple of them weighed up the situation with the pandemic and made the decision they have. In my own case, I’ve held off and have had some projects to do to keep me busy, including my back garden. I remain positive we can start in December, but looking for a job is difficult for me with my wife due to have our second child in the next month.

“In a worst-case scenario, I wouldn’t want to be going out, picking up the virus and bringing it home to my family and a newborn baby. It’s tricky right now where the last thing I want to be is contagious.”

 ??  ?? Clan captain Matt Haywood
Clan captain Matt Haywood

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