Glasgow Times

Concerns were raised about conditions


There has been many complaints about being kept inside all the time and having no money

THE Park Inn is one of a number of hotels currently used to house asylum seekers during the coronaviru­s lockdown.

There are understood to be up to 100 men accommodat­ed in the hotel in West George Street.

Mears group, which has the Home Office contract for asylum services in Glasgow, moved almost 300 of those it was accommodat­ing out of flats in Glasgow and into a number of hotels in and around the city centre following the lockdown in March.

As well as hotel staff, there are Mears staff and NHS staff on site every day to respond to and concerns or issues among those in the rooms.

There have been some concerns raised with the group and with charities about food and living conditions.

Asylum Seekers are entitled to £35 a week for food and essentials like toiletries. But because they are being provided with meals and essentials in the hotel they receive no money.

On Thursday, the day before the incident, Mears told the Glasgow Times it did not recognise concerns that were being raised by some charities and campaigner­s about lack of suitable food.

People are due to begin to be gradually moved out of the hotels and back into accommodat­ion in the coming weeks.

The Scottish Refugee council said: “Like everyone else, we are seriously worried about the situation at the Park Inn. We’re trying to get as much info as possible from Police Scotland and our thoughts are with everyone affected.”

Alo Zaka, of the Kurdish Scottish Associatio­n said: “There are around 100 asylum seekers in the hotel. There has been many complaints about being kept inside all the time and having no money.”

He said there are many people who have mental health issues.

Mr Zada said: “These are people who have uncertaint­ies about their future. And many have mental health problems and depression. The situation is shocking. Some of these people have serious mental health problems.”

Last month, Mears explained why it had taken the decision to take people out of the homes they were in and put them into hotels during the pandemic.

It stated: “Once Covid-19 restrictio­ns were announced by the UK and Scottish Government towards the end of March 2020, Mears considered how best to ensure the safety and wellbeing of asylum-seekers in our care, as well as our staff, and our role in helping to limit community transmissi­on by maintainin­g social distancing.

“Asylum seekers are either in Initial Accommodat­ion, which is when they first arrive in the City, or in Dispersed Accommodat­ion, which is more settled. We had a particular concern about the safety and wellbeing of those in Initial Accommodat­ion, located around the city, during COVID-19.”

Mears declined to comment on the incident and said all inquires should be directed to the Home Office.

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