Glasgow Times

Cafe workers tell of cab blaze drama


STAFF at a South Side cafe have told of the dramatic moment they scrambled to give a cab driver shelter after his car burst into flames outside.

The team at Cafe Strange Brew in Pollokshaw­s Road watched in horror as flames leaped out of the bonnet of the silver Volkswagen Passat during evening rush hour on Monday on what was the driver’s first day on the job.

The cafe’s staff posted an image of the car engulfed in flames outside the popular venue on Facebook, writing: “Today, you have been eventful. Positive vibes for Tuesday please.”

A staff member also shot dramatic video footage which was sent in to the Evening Times, along with images of the charredout vehicle after the fire had been brought under control.

The team member told the title: “It was the driver’s first day on the job.

“He took shelter in the cafe in case his car blew up.”

Another employee, who was just finishing up for the day, added: “I was shutting the shop shutters and the taxi pulled up with smoke billowing out of the bonnet and then it went on fire.

“We got the driver inside and gave him some water. We got the fire extinguish­ers out, but it was too late at that point and we stayed inside because we were worried the car would explode.

“In about 10 minutes, a fire engine turned up and it was put out.”

Twitter user @macluskie also posted a short video clip of the incident.

He wrote: “Car fire in Shawlands outside Co-op. Fire service attending. Now under control.”

A spokeswoma­n for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service told the Evening Times: “We received a call to a report of a car on fire in Glasgow at around 6.05pm on Monday, January 22. One appliance was dispatched to the scene.”

Police Scotland confirmed there were no injuries and said cops were alerted to the incident at 6.10pm when traffic control was drafted in to assist drivers.”

 ??  ?? The car burst into flames outside Cafe Strange Brew, and inset, after the fire
The car burst into flames outside Cafe Strange Brew, and inset, after the fire

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