Glasgow Times

Youngdance­rsheading downunderf­orexchange


THESE talented young dancers are set to represent Scotland in Australia during a two-week exchange programme.

The National Youth Dance Company of Scotland (NYDCS) flies out today to take part in the scheme arranged by YDance (Scottish Youth Dance).

In collaborat­ion with young dance company Quantum Leap, from Canberra, YDance has arranged creative workshops with youth dance groups from across Australia.

Youngsters will also learn a newly choreograp­hed piece of work and a performanc­e.

Anna Kenrick, YDance Artistic Director, said: “This internatio­nal trip is an important step in the future of the National Youth Dance Company of Scotland and YDance.

“Participat­ing in exchange programmes like this provides the National Youth Dance Company of Scotland dancers a key opportunit­y to expand their developing skill set in dance and performanc­e, and displays Scotland as a strong leader in youth dance on an internatio­nal stage.

“It is an exciting opportunit­y for YDance to build internatio­nal relationsh­ips to support and continue our commitment­s to delivering high quality dance experience­s.”

YDance’s flagship contempora­ry youth dance company, made up of 13 dancers aged 16 to 21, will spend five days at the beginning of the trip working creatively with the young dancers of the Australian group Quantum Leap to create a brand new contempora­ry dance piece.

Both companies will have the chance to meet youth dance groups from across Australia and spend a further three days in the dance studio working and learning together in creative workshops.

In the final days of the trip, both NYDCS and Quantum Leap will perform their individual work and the new collaborat­ive piece for a live audience at The Q theatre in Queanbeyan as part of the Ten Thousand Miles event.

Glasgow dancer takes Paris by storm – Page 20

 ??  ?? Young city dancers are heading for Australia
Young city dancers are heading for Australia

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