Glasgow Times

It’s thumbs up for thrills at Firhill


PARTICK Thistle fans will be giving their team the thumbs up at the next game – thanks to a Turner Prize-nominated artist.

David Shrigley, who designed the club’s famous bright yellow mascot Kingsley, has now produced a foam thumb for supporters to wear at Tuesday’s game against Dundee United.

Glasgow-based Mr Shrigley, a long-terms Jags fan, based the creation on a large bronze thumb he designed as part of an exhibition set to take place in September.

The sculpture will appear at the Fourth Plinth in London’s Trafalgar Square as part of a project to bring new pieces of art to the area.

The Macclesfie­ld-born artist, who studied at Glasgow School of Art, said: “The ‘thumbs up’ gesture is universall­y understood as meaning something is good so, as a Jags fan, I thought what better way to show our support than to give the guys a giant thumbs up.

“The piece I designed for the Fourth Plinth is 10 metres high. I wanted to create a version based on the traditiona­l foam finger for fans to take home, albeit a bit smaller than the original.

“I want my art make the world a better place, so hopefully fans can take this piece of art away and feel more positive by giving the thumbs up whenever and wherever.”

The first 2000 fans through the turnstiles will receive the limited-edition item to take home with them for free at tonight’s match with Dundee United.

 ??  ?? Partick Thistle keeper Tomas Cerny unveils the foam thumb
Partick Thistle keeper Tomas Cerny unveils the foam thumb

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