Glasgow Times

Glasgow’s seven SNP MPs united in


STEWART McDONALD, Glasgow South: “If ever we needed evidence that the Tories don’t get Scotland and Glasgow, we saw it in today’s Queen’s Speech. The government will commence with HS2, despite absolutely no intention of bringing this major infrastruc­ture project to Glasgow. I intend to make the strongest possible case for the benefits of HS2 to come to our country so that we can create jobs and connect Glasgow to the rest of the UK.” ANNE McLAUGHLIN, Glasgow North East: “The speech talked about the Conservati­ve Government working to ‘reduce the threat from nuclear weapons’ and yet when able seaman William McNeilly had the courage to blow the whistle on significan­t safety breaches at Faslane, he was taken into military custody. I will continue to make the argument that the best way to ‘reduce the threat’ is to remove these weapons of mass destructio­n from our waters.” CAROL MONAGHAN, Glasgow North West: “This a continued attack on the most vulnerable in our society: the poor, the disabled and the long-term ill. The first wave of austerity has pushed many families into poverty, and this situation is going to escalate under these ‘reforms’. Whilst ‘capping benefits’ may seem on the face of it a means to encourage people into work, without considerin­g the barriers that prevent people from entering the workforce, these reforms are damaging.” CHRIS STEPHENS, Glasgow South West: “Public sector workers will feel the full brunt of Tory austerity. A freeze on pay and erosion of terms and conditions are all greater evidence of a Tory austerity agenda that will corrode our society and tear its fabric apart. The proposed EU negotiatio­ns will see the UK Government chip away at maternity rights, rest breaks and paid holidays..”

 ??  ?? Carol Monaghan
Carol Monaghan
 ??  ?? Chris Stephens
Chris Stephens

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