BBC Gardeners' World Magazine

How to make a sparrow terrace


Unlike most garden birds, house sparrows nest in loose family groups. It’s therefore a good idea to erect a ‘terrace’ of bird boxes, which enables them to nest communally. This design comprises three boxes in one. Fix it in a north-easterly direction, ideally beneath the eaves of your house. Ensure you place it as far from house martin or swift nests as possible, as the species are not compatible.

You will need

Wood (see measuremen­ts)




Drill with hole-saw attachment

Screws and screwdrive­r

Paintbrush and exterior wood stain

1 MARK out and cut the wood pieces to the measuremen­ts given ( left).

2 NAIL the floor to the back, inset slightly to allow water to drain and prevent seepage. Nail the two interior walls in place, 18cm apart, using three nails to secure the partitions to the floor and the back.

3 USE a hole-saw drill attachment to make a 32mm entrance hole for each compartmen­t. Nail on the front and ends.

4 ATTACH the lid using hinges. Cover this with a waterproof strip once the box has been painted.

5 DRILL several holes in the floor so that any condensati­on or water brought in by the birds can drain away easily.

6 PAINT the outside of the terrace with water-based wood stain, but leave the inside and the holes untreated.

7 ATTACH to an outer house wall, under the eaves, facing a north- easterly direction.

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