Garden News (UK)

Karen calls for eco-gardening action!


Us humans are a selfish lot really. There are always plenty of lovely, kind people around thankfully, but as a group we tend to favour things that purely benefit us. This is where gardening and the natural world comes a cropper – there’s too much take and not enough give. Too many insects buzzing around and nibbling my plants? I’ll spray them all away so they don’t bother me. Too much work to keep up a lawn, a few flowers or trim a hedge? I’ll deck or pave the garden over to save myself a job. There are far too many people around who think this way.

We’re all realising lately – quite late in the day – that neglecting wildlife and our environmen­t for our own gains isn't benefittin­g us one bit. The penny has dropped that it’s far better to apply a bit of mutual respect; that way we help others and get so much more back in return.

As an eco-conscious gardener I feel like I’m already in on the

secret: that is, it’s a lot more rewarding if you let nature in to enjoy your garden with you, than trying to fight it.

I’ve long thought our animal and insect friends are far cleverer than us. Even plants know better which way their bread is buttered! They all work like clockwork in a cycle of ‘symbiosis’ or ‘mutualism’, meaning there’s room for everyone to work together and benefit each other – we grow plants for bees who pollinate for us, we feed the soil that feeds worms, who then feed birds, and so it goes on. It doesn’t work if we come in and muck up proceeding­s with too many sprays, traps, pellets, concrete or decking.

Gardening is a good teacher; it teaches us about beauty, patience, hard work and rewards, but it’s natural gardening that can teach us a lot about selflessne­ss, being considerat­e, kind, curious and observant.

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 ??  ?? Get more out of your garden by stepping back and le ing nature in!
Get more out of your garden by stepping back and le ing nature in!

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