Express & Echo (City & East Devon Edition)

No solution in the offing to stop gulls


THERE is anger nothing has been done in years to stop the carnage caused by herring gulls ripping open refuse bags left out for collection along a busy shopping and residentia­l area in Exeter.

Last week, visitors to Fore Street condemned the street for being persistent­ly strewn with litter early in the morning after bin bags have been torn apart by gulls. It is then cleaned up by the city council’s street cleaners.

In 2021 frustrated business owners demanded Exeter City Council found a permanent solution. It said it was looking at alternativ­e options for Fore Street and other similar areas in the centre.

However, the issue still remains three years later, with the council now stating it is continuing to “monitor” the situation. In the meantime, people have to try to avoid the mess each day.

Among them is commuter James Madge. He said: “The problem has been going on for years and it lets the city down. This is a main route in. I have been commuting into the city for over 10 years by bike and have seen residents and commuters walking through the rubbish, or having to risk going into the road to avoid it.

“I have seen dirty nappies, sanitary items and lots of other disgusting waste spread all over the place on a weekly basis. The council responded to me and said it’s an ongoing issue. Surely a couple of communal bin areas situated near the top and bottom of the hill could help instead of that seating area that was put in, or some seagull-proof bags?”

Advice has been issued by the council to businesses and residents in Fore Street.

A council spokesman said:

“This is an issue that we have been aware of for some time, and we continue to manage in the best way we can. Residents can help us by making sure bags are as secure as possible and are not put out before pm on the night before collection.

“Businesses should not put rubbish in black bags and should ensure they have a trade waste contract in place.

“Our teams are regularly sent to clear up when problems do arise, and this is a situation that we continue to monitor.”

The council said gull deterrent sacks had been issued to properties in the Fore Street area, but due to them not being retrieved after collection­s it has caused other issues as they become “obstacles and trip hazards”.

It added it is “looking at alternativ­e options”.

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 ?? ?? James Madge’s picture of earlymorni­ng litter in Fore Street caused by gulls ripping open refuse sacks
James Madge’s picture of earlymorni­ng litter in Fore Street caused by gulls ripping open refuse sacks

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