Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Blackmail plotter used student for his revenge porn scheme


A BLACKMAIL plotter from Dundee posted revenge porn videos featuring a 23-year-old student on social media sites so they were seen by her friends and family.

Karivan Mizuri spent more than a year posting the material without consent on Facebook and on an adult video website.

Mizuri then drew attention to the material as he tried to blackmail her father for $50,000 (£36,630) to stop him from posting further explicit content.

The chef was found guilty of two blackmail plots on Friday and Dundee Sheriff Court has now heard details of the revenge porn background to the schemes.

Fiscal depute Lora Apostalova told the court of the victim: “She is 23 and a student.

“He took a video of her showering and carrying out a sexual act.

“Images and video were sent to her friends and family of her naked in the shower.

“Her face was clearly visible.

“She did not send them. He was the only other person with access to her Facebook account.

“Towards the end of 2019 various friends and family advised images were sent to them.”

The prosecutor continued: “They were also put on a pornograph­y website.

“Over 13 months, naked pictures and videos were circulated online on various accounts.

“The posting continued until he was arrested on February 5 2021.”

Mizuri admitted disclosing intimate images and videos of the woman without her permission.

He also admitted acting in a threatenin­g or abusive manner between 2019 and February last year by uploading images of the woman, along with pictures of her home and personal details about her.

He had changed his pleas during the trial on the two charges and was subsequent­ly found guilty by a jury of two related extortion charges.

Mizuri was found guilty of trying to extort the money from a man between September and December 31 2019.

The jury found he had menaced his victim by making him apprehensi­ve about further naked pictures of his daughter being posted online.

He was also found guilty of trying to extort £8,000 from a second man at his workplace in Dundee.

He told the man he would post fake sexual pictures of his family members on social media.

Mizuri had sentence deferred for reports and was warned he faces a lengthy prison term when he returns to court on February 14.

 ?? ?? The videos were posted over a 13-month period.
The videos were posted over a 13-month period.

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