Evening Telegraph (First Edition)


We laugh in the face of ‘Blue Monday’


THEY say today is the most depressing day of the year.

We don’t agree, and are determined to put a smile on your face.

In a bid to ensure so-called Blue Monday is anything but, we have put together this very special spread to lift the mood and ensure everyone starts the week with a spring in their step.

(And don’t worry if you are not a dog lover – we have even ensured we include a picture of a cute kitten…)

A NEW study suggests that the people of Scotland are some of the most likely in the world to pamper, spoil and treat their pets – and the residents of Dundee couldn’t agree more.

The report, which comes from dog food brand Tails.com, shows that Scottish parents are 46% more likely to buy their dogs treats than their kids.

The survey also revealed that 80% of dogs in Scotland celebrate their birthdays with a cake, and dog owners are twice as likely to treat their pups than their partners.

The new findings haven’t surprised Dundee dog owners, with John Ward, 73, a retired taxi driver from Coldside, confessing he likes to treat his two labradors, Dave and Seth.

He said: “My dogs are spoiled. These t wo celebrate their birthdays with a treat from the butcher. I think we’re just a pet-loving nation. I go to B&M and I spend more on these two than I do on myself.”

Haleigh Michie, 25, also wasn’t surprised by the findings.

The finance worker claims she spends a fortune on her puppy, Spencer.

She said: “I would say I treat my partner better, but Spencer still gets spoiled. We get him a £20 to £30 cake every year from Dundee Dog Bakery.

“I think they get treated so well because they’re like a family member to most people.”

Others, such as shihtzu owner Chris Charleton, believe that there’s other reasons why people fuss over their dogs.

He said: “It’s that sort of ownership that makes you want to spoil them. If I’ve got money then I’ll buy her treats, she likes the natural smelly stuff like pigs’ ears.

“She’s got loads of toys too,” he added.

Friends Vicky Merrilees and Laura Patterson, from the Law area, said they love to pamper their pets.

Laura, 41, said: “The dogs had their own stockings on Christmas. They always get treats and toys. I’ve got two kids, but I think that a lot of people love dogs because when you get in from work it’s the dogs that run up to meet you, not kids.”

However, some in the city take a less emotional approach to caring for their dogs.

Kerry Dixon, a vicar from Dudhope Street, said: “I’m very surprised by that, mine is more of a working dog. I’ve got kids and I’m much more likely to spend money on them than my dog.

“I don’t think these stats are really accurate, and I think that for most people who have dogs it wouldn’t be true.”

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? From left, Chris Charleton and Clootie, John Ward with Dave and Seth, and Kerry Dixon with Doug.
From left, Chris Charleton and Clootie, John Ward with Dave and Seth, and Kerry Dixon with Doug.
 ??  ?? Millies Pet Services in Carnoustie held a charity dog grooming day for the animal rescue centre in Arbroath. Picture shows Sarah Norris, Olivia Ferguson and owner Vicky Gunn with Westies Fergus and Isla, from Monifieth,
Millies Pet Services in Carnoustie held a charity dog grooming day for the animal rescue centre in Arbroath. Picture shows Sarah Norris, Olivia Ferguson and owner Vicky Gunn with Westies Fergus and Isla, from Monifieth,
 ??  ?? From left, Haleigh Michie with Spencer, and Vicky Merrilees with Lottie and Laura Patterson with Rosie.
From left, Haleigh Michie with Spencer, and Vicky Merrilees with Lottie and Laura Patterson with Rosie.

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