Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Man ‘attacked his pregnant partner’


A MAN accused of assaulting his pregnant wife to the danger of her life has appeared in private at Dundee Sheriff Court.

Waqaz Niaz, 27, of Arbroath Road, appeared on petition before Sheriff George Way.

It is alleged that Niaz assaulted Rubeeh Maqseed — who is pregnant — by repeatedly seizing her by the arm, repeatedly slapping her on the head, seizing her by the hair and pulling her by the hair at Lyon Street last Tuesday.

He is alleged to have pulled her across a room, pushed her on to a sofa and repeatedly struck her on the body.

The charge also alleges that Niaz seized Ms Maqseed by the throat, restricted her breathing and repeatedly pushed her on the body, to her injury and the danger of her life.

Niaz is also accused of assaulting his wife by seizing her by the arm, dragging her across the room, seizing her by the hair and repeatedly striking her on the head and body to her injury at a separate time on the same date and at the same place.

Niaz is f urther accused of behaving in a threatenin­g or abusive manner likely to cause fear or alarm, shouting, swearing, smashing glass on a coffee table and throwing a mobile telephone against a wall at a flat in Lyon Street, in the city’s Stobswell area, on the same date.

Niaz made no plea and was granted bail while the case was continued for further examinatio­n.

A MAN has admitted attacking a shop worker.

William Humphreys, 41, of Dundee Cyrenians, Brewery Lane, had sentence deferred for reports after he pleaded guilty at Dundee Sheriff Court to assaulting a Tesco employee.

Humphreys admitted swinging a full glass bottle towards Stuart Scotland’s head in an incident which took place at Tesco, Murraygate, on October 17.

Sheriff Richard McFarlane deferred sentence until January 3 for reports and to allow Humphreys to continue his current community payback order.

McFarlane was granted bail meantime.

 ??  ?? PUPILS at St Francis RC Primary School enjoyed a fun-filled day of art as the Tesco Bank art competitio­n for schools arrived in Dundee.
The kids got involved in creative sessions led by the National Galleries of Scotland education team.
The workshop...
PUPILS at St Francis RC Primary School enjoyed a fun-filled day of art as the Tesco Bank art competitio­n for schools arrived in Dundee. The kids got involved in creative sessions led by the National Galleries of Scotland education team. The workshop...
 ??  ?? Dundee Sheriff Court
Dundee Sheriff Court
 ??  ??

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