Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Victory for Dee men and women


Both Dundee sides headed west to Lenzie to resume their quest for a top-three finish in their National Volleyball League Division One.

In the men’s game, an opening run of points for the home side, including seven errors from Dundee, gave the advantage to Lenzie.

Another two double error runs proved expensive as the home side held on to win the set 25-21.

Jamie Salvin came into the line-up and a change of emphasis paid dividends as the visitors took a 10-8 lead with Mike Coward and Louis Groshenry both scoring several points.

A run of five points from Barry Millar’s service gave Dundee a 17-9 lead and they went on to level the match, winning the set 25-8.

Mark Donnachie stood up to the Lenzie attack and helped launch counter attacks allowing Coward, Salvin and Kevin Chisholm to pull the visitors ahead and win the third set 25-23.

The home side were now tiring and relying on errors from the Dundee attack.

Oz Dowie and Colin McEvoy started to control the net with blocks and hits and Dundee had the finishing line in sight, leading 18-11.

They won the set 25-23 for a 3-1 victory.

The Dundee girls were up next against Glasgow Internatio­nal.

Sarah Driscoll opened the scoring with a sharp hit from the left side of the court and Dundee went on to win the set 25-10.

They then won the second 25-14 and the third by the same score. This hoists Dundee into third spot in the league.

The impressive scoring show was dented by giving away too many points with serving and hitting errors with Glasgow only scoring three of their own points.

The men travel again tomorrow to face Glasgow Mets ll. They are without Mike Coward.

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