Evening Standard

Cairney hoping to stay put at Cottage for rest of his career

- Dom Smith

FULHAM captain Tom Cairney wants to further extend his new contract beyond 2025.

The 33-year-old signed a oneyear extension this month, but has now said he would be open to staying at Craven Cottage past next summer.

Cairney, who signed for Fulham in 2015 for £3million, also revealed that retiring at the club would be a “dream scenario”.

Speaking ahead of tomorrow’s home FA Cup fourthroun­d tie against Newcastle, he said: “I can picture myself going longer [than 2025]. In my head, that’s how I feel. I feel good, feel fit. I’m 33 years young.

“Footballer­s play a lot longer now. I remember when 35 used to be the be-all and endall, but now footballer­s look after themselves so well their whole career. Look at Thiago Silva — he’s 39 and one of Chelsea’s best players. Injury-free, I’ll stay at Fulham longer.” Asked whether he hopes to retire a Fulham player, Cairney (below) replied: “Yeah. I said during lockdown I want to play until my legs fall off, because staying at home for three months was difficult. You’re a long time retired, so I’ll play for as long as I can. But if we’re talking dream scenarios, [it would be] to stay at Fulham until the end.” Fulham are one of several Premier League teams yet to make any signings so far in this window. Their only activity has been sending 18-year-old midfielder Luke Harris on loan to Exeter for the rest of the season. A week before the deadline, Cairney said: “With financial fair play, I don’t know what is going on. I’m sure if it’s possible to bring players in, I’d imagine we would.”

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