Evening Standard

Let it snow! Weather warning for London and South-East

- William Mata and Lydia Chantler-Hicks

LONDON was today expected to get its first snow of the year as the Met Office issued a yellow weather alert for the capital and the South-East.

Wintry showers were predicted for parts of London this afternoon, following some flurries this morning. The Met Office said temperatur­es were not likely to rise above 3C but warned Londoners it would fell feel more like -3C for most of the day. It said some areas were set for a mix of sleet and snow showers that will move in from the east.

“Some roads and railways are likely to be affected by ice (and in a few places by snow), leading to longer journey times. There will probably be some icy patches on some untreated roads, pavements and cycle paths, making accidents or injuries more likely.”

The Met Office has advised anyone heading out to take precaution­s with their route. Tomorrow and Wednesday are forecast to bring bright sunshine, but the cold weather is expected to continue this week.

Sky weather presenter Jo Wheeler said: “At this time of year, clearer conditions with light winds are likely to result in overnight frosts, fog and icy stretches on roads and pavements. Today, we’re seeing a cold pool of air moving into southern areas with the potential for overnight showers to fall as sleet or snow over the higher ground.

“With night-time temperatur­es close to freezing, even in the towns and cities, there’s also a risk of showers falling on frozen surfaces and turning instantly to ice.”

The freezing temperatur­es follow the effects of Storm Henk which led to flooding on Thursday.

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