Evening Standard

Sweary night out with the lads

- Edited by Toby Earle London Live TV reporter @tobyontv

44 Inch Chest Tonight, 10.30pm, London Live

The spitting swear-daggers of Don Logan in Sexy Beast are sharpened even further in this tight drama by writers Louis Mellis and David Scinto, authors of that minor classic. But this time they share his poison between the leads in this psychologi­cal drama.

There’s a deluge of vicious curses portioned out to Ray Winstone, Ian McShane, John Hurt, Tom Wilkinson and Stephen Dillane as they skulk around a dilapidate­d house stripping plaster off the walls with their language, while Colin (Winstone) agonises over whether to murder the man he believes has cuckolded him.

This unlucky waiter, kidnapped and shoved into a cupboard by these thugs, does at least have a hood on, which should prevent him from hearing some of the awful things Winstone and others have said about him.

What he should heed, if his ears still work, are Colin’s definition­s of love, one of which is allowing your partner to watch what they want on TV. We’ve never heard anything so perverted.

Booze Britain Tonight, 10pm, London Live

What makes this documentar­y about Londoners on the sauce so headachein­ducing is that it mixes its drinks, knocking back lager, wine, sambuca and vodka quicker than a rugby club initiation.

There are some 4,000 bars and pubs in town — 10 per cent of the UK’s total — and by tagging along with boozers and paramedics treating those who’ve downed nine too many, it feels like you’ve visited most of them.

Keep a glass of water and some paracetamo­l handy for the empathy that will creep up during this heavy, heavy session, it siding with the stretched medics rather than those on the pop.

London Live Debates Tomorrow, 10am, London Live

In the aftermath of the election, presenter Alex Beard and guests will debate what the increase in Labour seats in the capital, with the party up to 45 seats, will mean for London.

While the Conservati­ves have been reduced to 27 seats it is, as Nick Clegg will have felt keenly, the Liberal Democrats’ near expulsion from the capital and its high-profile casualties which has left the city divided between red and blue.

With the housing crisis still upon us, a huge rise in the use of food banks and public services being squeezed, the panel will try to predict what’s next for London.

 ??  ?? Top geezer: Ray Winstone as Colin
Top geezer: Ray Winstone as Colin

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