Evening Standard

Guide to tomorrow’s post-election market turmoil


FROM the beginning of one of the most insipid election campaigns in living memory, I’ve had this desperate urge to press the fast-forward button: zoom through the nonsense and get to the business end. So have the financial markets, which have been braced for a hung parliament for months. That’s why, for all the occasional attempts to talk up turbulence, the FTSE 100 has been pretty relaxed. It’s actually up about 50 points since Parliament was dissolved on March 30. The more domestical­ly focused FTSE 250 is up more strongly, around 2%.

Short-term sterling volatility has risen, but is that really so surprising when dealers have no idea who’s going to form the next Government? The pound itself has barely moved on a trade-weighted basis over the campaign. UK gilt yields have risen above 2% but, again, only the most pie-eyed commentato­r would put this down to the election. This bond sell-off is global and driven by bigger factors such as the receding threat of deflation, stronger US data and investors belatedly realising that eurozone bonds look too expensive — not by Labour taking the lead in some marginal seat. The action starts tomorrow when the City takes a look at the likely playing field. So what could happen?

The City has no love for Labour, but if Ed Miliband pulls off the most staggering win in history, at least it has the virtue of certainty. Miliband is going to cut the deficit more slowly, which involves more borrowing. So UK gilts — already in the course of a correction — will sell off. Sterling is also in for a rough ride. Expect shares in housebuild­ers to take a hammering alongside energy firms and banks. Labour will have no compunctio­n about whacking the bankers again while companies will be braced for a more interventi­onist approach. Watch out for the tobacco companies as well, they’re in line for the Miliband medicine.

Tin hats on, everybody. This is the Square Mile’s nightmare scenario but the situation most likely to put Miliband in No. 10. Labour has shifted to the left under Miliband and the Institute for Fiscal Studies predicts an extra £90 billion in borrowing, but that won’t be good enough for Nicola Sturgeon and her merry band. Needless to say, all the “no deals” talk about the SNP will be dropped. Unusually for a Labour leader, Miliband is going into an election talking about spending cuts, although Sturgeon just calls this “Tory lite”. Another potential independen­ce referendum lurches onto the agenda despite pre-election promises. UK gilts take an even bigger hammering. Gold looks more appealing as investors effectivel­y buy financial insurance. An earlier Bank of England rate rise looms into view. The FTSE 100 sinks faster than prospects for Trident.

A parliament so badly hung it can’t produce any kind of government whatsoever until the British people speak again in September. Investors look to safe-haven assets — such as the US dollar and Treasuries — and avoid sterling-denominate­d assets, wait out an uneasy summer and autumn while the UK goes to the polls yet again. Sterling weakens and gilts suffer. At least — fingers crossed — it won’t be as bad as the last time we had two elections, in 1974, when the economy slipped back into recession and inflation was about to run riot.

The status quo, albeit with a vastly reduced majority: if the Tories can’t win, then probably the most palatable outcome for the City. Sterling should rally on the prospect as well as shares and gilt prices. Whether the Tories go it alone as a minority (with tacit Lib Dem support) or resume a formal coalition, expect a relief rally in gilts and sterling. The Conservati­ves are seen as the pro-business, pro-City option although the Lib Dems will extract as the price of their support “red lines” on increased education spending, putting a little more strain on the fiscal arithmetic. Then the crunch talks begin about that referendum on Britain’s place in the European Union, due in 2017. Gold falls.

Buy, buy, buy. Dreamland for Cameron and the City should spark a rally in gilts, the pound, shares and pretty much everything else as foreign cash floods into London. The fly in the ointment, however, is that referendum: a key plank in Labour’s case to business was not risking the uncertaint­y of a potential exit vote in 2017, as Cameron has been forced to do to placate the right wing of his party. A vote, however, doesn’t necessaril­y mean an exit vote — according to the latest YouGov poll, there is currently a 45%-33% lead among voters to stay in the EU. That’s the biggest proEuropea­n lead recorded by the pollster on the issue.

Roll on tomorrow morning. Now the real fun begins.

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