Evening Standard


- Nicholas Cecil Deputy Political Editor

LONDONERS are over whelmingly against Scottish Nationalis­ts holding the balance of power over the next government, a poll reveals today.

By more than four to one they do not want the SNP to gain enough seats at Westminste­r to influence who gets into Downing Street after May 7.

The YouGov survey for the Standard also showed that if there is a hung Parliament, nearly half of Londoners would prefer a formal coalition or gove r ni ng dea l i nvolv i ng t he Li be r a l Democrats with either Labour or the Conservati­ves. Less than one in 11 in the capital would opt for a Labour/SNP arrangemen­t.

Amid fears that Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon would seek to hold Ed Miliband to ransom if the SNP gain dozens of seats to prop up a Labour government, 55 per cent of Londoners believe it would be a “bad thing” if the Scottish Nationalis­ts held the balance of power, compared with 12 per cent who described it as a “good thing”.

Far more Conservati­ve supporters in London were against the prospect of the Scottish part y wielding crucial power over who gets into No10.

More than eight out of ten of them said they were unhappy about such a scenario, compared with 40 per cent of Labour backers, 54 per cent of people intending to vote Lib-Dem and 68 per cent of those favouring Ukip. Tanya A b r a h a m, o f Yo u G o v, said: “Put bluntly, the elec torate in Highgate don’t want the balance of power in Parliament to be dictated by the choice of voters in the Highlands.”

If no party gains a Commons majority to govern alone, just over a quarter of Londoners would like to see a Coalition

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