ELLE Decoration (UK)

‘If one’s life is simple, contentmen­t has to come. Simplicity is extremely important for happiness. Having few desires, feeling satisfied with what you have, is very vital…’

- Executive Editor

These wise words from the Dalai Lama seemed to ring with a certain truth as the team were compiling the issue you are now reading. With many of us now taking a more mindful approach to life, it’s no wonder that this ethos has particular resonance when it comes to our homes.

Ironically, a sense of calm and serenity is not that easy to achieve, especially given the chaos that most of our daily lives entail. So, we wanted to highlight some stunning interiors from around the world where the owners and designers have managed to achieve that everelusiv­e balance of a pared-back aesthetic coupled with real style and personalit­y. There’s no sterile minimalism here – instead, there are new approaches to soothing palettes and curated furnishing­s. I hope you’re as inspired as I have been by these takes on modern simplicity.

An equally considered approach should also be applied to how we shop. To that end, I’ve been influenced by Tara Button and her buy well, buy once maxim (see p57). After all, happiness cannot be found by blindly filling our lives with more and more stuff. So, this month, you’ll also find advice on how to shop more sensibly. Not only do we reveal brilliant accessible buys from the high street and online that you’ll cherish, but we’ll also show you the best Italian brands to invest in – the perfect marriage of design, craftsmans­hip and quality.

Still struggling to find peace? Look no further than the humble bathroom, the one room where you can truly create a haven away from the world. Read our trend edit on p177. Be inspired and relax!

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