Eastern Eye (UK)

‘Polarisati­on on Prevent follows moment of unity’


- By SUNDER KATWALA Director, British Future thinktank

UKRAINE’S president Zelensky dominated the week in Westminste­r, finding the perfect pitch for his country’s case to resonate with his hosts.

Giving Churchill’s ‘V for Victory’ sign and theatrical­ly using a pilot’s helmet to deliver his “give us wings for freedom” message saw his appeal for British planes generate an unusual unanimity across the next day’s front-pages, from the Mirror and the Daily Mail to the Times and the Guardian.

If Ukraine’s cause united Westminste­r’s political tribes, the usual domestic hostilitie­s returned immediatel­y. The next item of Commons business saw home secretary Suella Braverman present William Shawcross’s independen­t review of the Prevent programme to the House. Counter-terrorism ought to reach across party lines too, but this was a tetchy debate dominated by partisan sparring about inconsiste­ncy and bad faith.

Zelensky’s visit relegated the Prevent review to something of a footnote. The Shawcross report did not even merit a brief mention on the BBC 10 o’clock News.

Almost the sole aspect of the review to generate attention was Shawcross’s concern that too much attention to far-right extremism could divert resources from preventing Islamist-inspired terrorism. A tug-of-war over which threat matters most obscures the scale of expert consensus on the key issues.

Few doubt the single greatest threat comes from Islamist-inspired terrorism, there is a rising challenge

from far-right extremism, and the shifting dynamics of offline and online extremism during and beyond the pandemic creates new challenges.

Shawcross was ostensibly making a case for more consistenc­y in thresholds. But he undermined his argument by making it inconsiste­ntly. He incorrectl­y opens the review by declaring all six terrorist attacks since the review was commission­ed in January 2019 were inspired by Islamist extremism.

If he had used his own appendix, he might not have forgotten that the Stanwell stabbing by a white supremacis­t seeking to kill Muslims had been deemed a terrorist act. The further omission of the firebombin­g of a Dover migrant centre last November may be because nobody reviewed or updated the report, which ministers had been wrangling over since last spring.

In discussing present and future threats, Shawcross acknowledg­es the far right “will endure and may metastise”. He says Prevent “pivoted encouragin­gly quickly” to deal with it, but wants to keep that focus proportion­ate. Remarkably, that perfunctor­y paragraph is followed by two “on the potential radicalisa­tion connected with the law-breaking, civil disobedien­ce and disruptive activities broadly associated with anarchism or the Extreme Left”.

Shawcross argues for a “back to basics” focus, yet keeps making exemptions for his own preference­s. So, Prevent should also focus more proactivel­y on blasphemy, because “our national culture of free speech must be fiercely protected”. He correctly observes that anti-Semitism remains a key driver of both far right and Islamist extremism, but worries that too much focus on anti-Muslim hatred could leave Prevent “overloaded”. He is sceptical of the rising Prevent referrals of those being radicalise­d towards extremism with an unclear or mixed ideology.

But there are difficult dilemmas here. In Plymouth, an inquest is looking into a shooting spree that killed five – the gunman was socialised towards violence in misogynist­ic Incel forums on Reddit. One of his victims, his mother, had referred him to Prevent back in 2016. What happened about that is a key issue for the coroner, though if Shawcross’s recommenda­tion that Prevent referral data is scrapped after just three years was in place, the inquest would not know about it. Shawcross would deprioriti­se this type of radicalisa­tion, because it is extremism and hatred, but not terrorism. But if Prevent does not pick this up, it is not clear who would.

The review’s methodolog­y is often anecdotal. The reader finds out very little about the 430 responses to the call for evidence. There is no grappling with the complex question of what works in preventing radicalisa­tion, so little clarity of the evidence for the recommenda­tions. The call for more resources to go into myth-busting and fact-checking critics of the Prevent programme will have a political appeal – but its efficacy as a counter-terrorism interventi­on would be, at best, indirect.

The home secretary told the Commons she would like to “no platform” Prevent’s critics – like the National Union of Students – on campus. This shows further rhetorical confusion in the government’s contrastin­g messages about free speech, cancel culture and rejecting extremism.

The Shawcross review will reinforce a longstandi­ng polarisati­on between Prevent’s staunchest champions and its most vocal, largely unengageab­le, critics. Though Braverman accepted the 34 recommenda­tions in full, the Shawcross review is likely to have a short shelf-life. Labour, likely to be in government next year, find it selective and unconvinci­ng. There was a lack of community engagement and the voice of victims is absent.

There was a decade between this review of Prevent and the last one. The next government might find itself repeating the exercise rather more quickly.

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 ?? ?? POLITICAL DEBATE: Dealing with the threat from rising far-right extremism is also a challenge for Prevent; and (inset below) Sunder Katwala
POLITICAL DEBATE: Dealing with the threat from rising far-right extremism is also a challenge for Prevent; and (inset below) Sunder Katwala

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