East Lothian Courier

Sevens fun in North Berwick


THE popularity of two annual rugby tournament­s has seen them spread over two days.

Traditiona­lly, North Berwick RFC hold an under-18s’ 10s tournament before their sevens tournament.

However, the growing interest in the two events has led to the teenage competitio­n being played tomorrow (Friday) and the sevens event following on Saturday.

Ken Muir, director of rugby at the National League Division Four side, was hopeful that the weather would be kind to the club ahead of a busy weekend.

He said: “It is a massive day for the club.

“You can see by the teams that are attending – there are some pretty high ranking sides.

“You don’t expect Boroughmui­r or Watsonians to send their first sevens but the fact they are coming to support us shows how important it is on the calendar for all the clubs.”

The under-18s event is due to get under way at 1pm tomorrow (Friday).

As well as two sides representi­ng the home club, there are expected to be teams from Boroughmui­r, Haddington, Linlithgow, Loretto, Musselburg­h, Peebles and more.

Then, in the sevens tournament, teams from Boroughmui­r, Glasgow Caledonian University Rugby, Dundee University, Earlston, Haddington, Musselburg­h, Peebles, Watsonians and more are planning to line up.

Muir told Courier Sport that links between several of the clubs and North Berwick now went back several years.

The sevens tournament is due to kick off at 1pm and the final is expected to be contested after 5.30pm.

Off the pitch, music will be provided by East Coast FM, while there will be an outside bar and burger stall.

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