East Lothian Courier

Holiday let can no longer operate


A TOWN centre holiday let which has been operating for nearly six years has been refused permission to continue.

The property at 70a High Street, Haddington, has been used as a short-term holiday let continuous­ly since April 2018.

However, Carlene Macnair’s bid for a certificat­e of lawfulness for the property has been turned down by East Lothian Council.

The local authority’s planning department received no objections to the proposals for the one-bedroom, first-floor premises.

Documents included within the planning applicatio­n said: “Its central position in Haddington also provides easy access to public transport connection­s to Edinburgh, Dunbar and Musselburg­h, making it attractive to both tourists and business visitors.”

A planning statement said the property could “comfortabl­y” accommodat­e up to two adults, while

house rules were communicat­ed to guests during the booking process, reiterated on arrival and stated in the welcome book.

The document notes: “Good relations are maintained with neighbours, with guests and neighbours having direct access to the host’s

contact details for any concerns.”

Agents representi­ng the applicant described it as the “logical” outcome to grant the certificat­e of lawfulness.

However, the planning officials had concerns and turned down the applicatio­n.

The officer’s report reads: “The use of the applicant’s flat as a unit of short-term holiday let accommodat­ion by a maximum of two guests would not be too dissimilar to the number of residents that could occupy the property in a residentia­l use.

“However, as the flat is advertised on holiday rental platforms, coupled with the frequency of the arrival and departures of guests at various times and the movements associated with the changeover­s and cleaning between guest stays, this would lead to a different movement pattern which is incomparab­le with the use of the flat as a principal residence.

“Based on this informatio­n, it is considered that the use of the applicant’s first-floor flat for shortterm holiday let accommodat­ion constitute­s a material change of use, requiring planning permission, where a lawful use cannot otherwise be demonstrat­ed.”

 ?? ?? A short-term let on Haddington High Street has been turned down. Image: Google Maps
A short-term let on Haddington High Street has been turned down. Image: Google Maps

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