East Lothian Courier

‘Real People’ help launch Leuchie Christmas appeal

- By Gregor Millar gregor.millar@newsquest.co.uk leuchiehou­se.org.uk/christ mas-appeal-donation-form

AN EAST Lothian charity has launched its Christmas appeal to help double its impact in the next three years, as the number of people in the UK suffering from a neurologic­al condition continues to grow.

Leuchie House, based near North Berwick, is Scotland’s national respite centre, providing care and short breaks for those living with conditions such as Parkinson’s or multiple sclerosis.

North Berwick couple Andrew and Elizabeth Guest are leading the charity’s Real People appeal to raise funds for Leuchie’s new strategy of delivering services within and beyond the walls of Leuchie House.

The charity is “reimaginin­g respite”, with aspiration­s to do even more than providing a break for those with the most complex healthcare needs within its walls.

Leuchie has opened two fully accessible self-catering holiday properties, which provide families and carers with a chance to enjoy a break, and is working in partnershi­p with the University of Edinburgh,

The National Robotarium, Heriot-watt University and Blackwood Homes and Care on the FEATHER Project, researchin­g the use of AI and robotics to help detect urinary tract infections.

This year’s Christmas appeal highlights the impact of the charity’s new Leuchie at Home service, led by Sally Mcguinnes, a volunteer befriendin­g service which provides people living with a neurologic­al condition with the opportunit­y to socialise, while also giving their carer a weekly break.

Andrew Guest was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2011 and was offered potentiall­y life-changing surgery but sadly had a stroke three days after his operation.

Andrew and his wife Elizabeth were given a lifeline by the home befriendin­g service.

Andrew said: “Sally brings lots of experience, local knowledge, and acts as a bridge to Leuchie and all the expertise there, which is hugely helpful.

“We were getting on well with Sally but our situation became more difficult when Elizabeth had knee surgery earlier this year. It was an eye-opener of the great responsibi­lity she carries daily and hugely stressful to arrange to have someone supporting me.”

Claudia Wellwood, individual giving fundraiser at Leuchie, added: “Leuchie has to raise over £1.5 million per year just to keep our doors open. As Leuchie is the only place of its kind in the UK, with a varied and combined skillset and purpose under one roof, we know we have a responsibi­lity to help many more people and families who need this kind of transforma­tional support.

“We also know that this cannot be done within these four walls alone and so have been working hard to enhance and widen our services to help more people in more ways.”

To donate to the Leuchie Christmas Appeal, go to

Leuchie has to raise just over £1.5 million per year just to keep our doors open

 ?? ?? Leuchie House carer Sally with Andrew Guest, who has Parkinson’s, at home in North Berwick. Image: Simon Grosset
Leuchie House carer Sally with Andrew Guest, who has Parkinson’s, at home in North Berwick. Image: Simon Grosset

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