East Lothian Courier

Sympathy a cold comfort

Planners refuse permission to replace timber frames of 18th-century cottage

- By Marie Sharp

THE owners of an 18th-century village home have lost their bid to replace traditiona­l timber window frames with UPVC, despite sympathy for their “cold” location.

The owners of the property at Marketgate, Ormiston, had initially been given the goahead to replace the windows and door frames of the house after agreeing with planning officers that timber frames would be used for the sides of the house visible to the main road.

But they submitted a new applicatio­n to replace all the windows with UPVC frames, which was rejected after planners said the main streetfaci­ng part of the house was an “intrinsic part” of the village’s conservati­on area.

And a meeting of East Lothian Council’s local review body last month unanimousl­y rejected an appeal by the owners, ruling that the change of material would be out of character with the local area.

Councillor Neil Gilbert, review body member, told the meeting following a visit to the house: “It was quite obvious this was a conservati­on area; the history is there for all to see.

“The windows and door in

question are easily viewable from the street or public footpath.”

Chairing the review body, Councillor Andrew Forrest said that the historic property was “so blatantly in your face” that a change of materials

would be visible.

And Councillor Donna Collins said that, despite sympathisi­ng over the weather in the village, she could not support the appeal.

She said: “I was a bit conflicted because I know how cold Ormiston can get in the winter time.

“They are trying to make it look similar but it is a listed building, a historic conservati­on area. I think turning it into UPVC will affect the character.”

Rejecting the new proposals from the applicants, officers had said: “The southern part of Marketgate, which includes the applicant’s house,

I know how cold Ormiston can get but it is a listed building, a conservati­on area

comprises of a group of former agricultur­al buildings that have been converted to housing.

“These houses and buildings are readily visible from Main Street, are of traditiona­l character and appearance, and make a positive contributi­on to the character and appearance of Ormiston Conservati­on Area.”

 ?? ?? The house at Marketgate can be seen from Ormiston Main Street. Image: Google Maps
The house at Marketgate can be seen from Ormiston Main Street. Image: Google Maps

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