East Lothian Courier

Mental health charity’s 400,000 hours of support


A CHARITY that provides care and support for individual­s affected by learning and physical disabiliti­es and mental health problems has delivered 400,000 hours of support in the last year.

ELCAP, which was establishe­d in 1989, aims to enable the individual­s it supports to live better, more independen­t lives within the community.

The Prestonpan­s-based charity held its annual general meeting at the end of last month.

Philip Coghill, chair of the executive board, highlighte­d that, even during difficult times, the charity had maintained a high standard of care by receiving a Grade 5 Inspectora­te result, and maintainin­g a strong focus on fair work practices.

Claire Mcdonald, CEO of ELCAP, who came into post in February, led the session by reminding those in attendance of the five core values that ELCAP was guided by: care, respect, communicat­ion, adaptabili­ty and going the extra mile.

She said: “I was delighted to meet some longstandi­ng supporters of ELCAP who, year on, take the trouble to learn more about what we’re concentrat­ing on, and who remain strong advocates for what we do.”

Also in attendance was Councillor Shamin Akhtar, depute leader of East Lothian Council, who took the opportunit­y to thank ELCAP for its service to both the East and Midlothian local communitie­s.

She later said: “The organisati­on is vitally important to many people across East Lothian who are affected by learning disabiliti­es, physical disabiliti­es and mental health issues.

“It was evident from the AGM that staff were passionate about making a difference to people across East Lothian, enabling them to live better, more independen­t lives within the local community.”

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