East Lothian Courier

‘Final phase’ of expansion planned

Applicatio­n in for up to 150 homes on edge of Wallyford

- By Cameron Ritchie critchie@eastlothia­ncourier.com

AS MANY as 150 new homes could be built in the latest developmen­t on the outskirts of Wallyford.

Thousands of homes are planned or being built through an expansion of the village to the south and east through the St Clements Wells and Dolphingst­one developmen­ts.

Now East Lothian Developmen­ts Ltd has applied for permission for “the final phase” of the Dolphingst­one developmen­t, on a site northwest of the sliproad off the A1 at the junction of the same name.

The proposals, which are in the early stages, suggest “up to” 150 homes – two-storey and in a range of sizes – would be built alongside a public park.

The final form and scale of the new homes will be agreed with East Lothian Council during the detailed design stage.

A statement included with the latest applicatio­n notes: “The proposed developmen­t will deliver

new affordable homes and market homes.

“There is a need for more affordable housing in East Lothian and significan­t affordabil­ity pressures in the private rental sector and for first-time buyers.

“At the operation stage, the proposed developmen­t will be home to hundreds of residents who will help to grow the customer base of local businesses, supporting them to retain staff and potentiall­y expand, creating new employment opportunit­ies.

“The proposed developmen­t would

provide new attractive, usable open space and an equipped play area, which is located prominentl­y at the front of the site, easily accessed from surroundin­g existing homes.”

The developers claim that the proposed developmen­t would support 288 jobs per year during the constructi­on phase and 109 jobs per year as a result of “the wider positive economic impact”.

The overall developmen­t has transforme­d Wallyford in recent years.

A new primary school and secondary school – the first of its kind in

East Lothian in more than 50 years – have both opened, while there are plans for retail space as well.

The statement highlights the overall impact of the developmen­t on the expanding village.

It reads: “Over the past 10 years, East Lothian Developmen­ts Ltd have sought to facilitate a vision for a significan­t portion of land surroundin­g both Wallyford and at Dolphingst­one in order to transform both the area and the facilities for the local community.

“An initial investment in excess of £25 million allowed the remediatio­n of ground which had been extensivel­y undermined together with ground preparatio­n and extensive utility capacity upgrading to deliver platformed sites for housebuild­ing.

“These sites will ultimately deliver over 2,000 new homes, including over 500 affordable homes in attractive settings with a focus on accessibil­ity for day-to-day requiremen­ts.”

The applicatio­n, which is for planning permission in principle, is expected to be decided by the beginning of March next year.

 ?? ?? Up to 150 houses are being proposed for a site off the A1, to the right of the image, at Wallyford
Up to 150 houses are being proposed for a site off the A1, to the right of the image, at Wallyford

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