East Lothian Courier

Donations save village Xmas lights


THE chair of East Linton’s Christmas lights committee says that the kind generosity of the public has ensured that the lights will continue next year.

East Linton’s annual display was switched on last month, with about 400 people in attendance.

But there had been previous concerns about the future of the event, with the lights committee stating that they were “perilously short of cash”; they had called on donations from the public.

The group has raised £2,335 by crowdfundi­ng, which will help ensure the lights go ahead next year.

Hilary White, chairperso­n of the group, said: “We had a very successful evening at the switch-on and about 400 people turned up.

“All our stalls were fundraisin­g so that we can maintain and purchase new lights.

“We had a lucky dip, tombola, raffle and a bar selling mulled wine.

“The lights were switched on by Harry Mack from P5 [at East Linton Primary School], who won our competitio­n to design a poster to advertise the switch-on event.

“We were very lucky to have our fabulous firefighte­rs there and they always put up our lamppost light.

“We also have a team of very talented ladies who did us 150 pieces of greenery adorned with red velvet ribbon to put on all the lampposts in the village.”

Mrs White thanked the public for their help in securing the future of the Christmas lights.

She said: “Thank you so much to everyone who donated.

“You have helped keep East Linton shining bright over Christmas.

“And thank you to everyone who has also donated online and in the brown envelopes.

“This is a great place to live!”

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