East Lothian Courier

New book charts battles of Bonnie Prince Charlie

- By Gregor Millar gregor.millar@newsquest.co.uk

THE curator of Battle of Prestonpan­s Jacobite Museum has launched his new book, which looks back at the battle career of Bonnie Prince Charlie.

The Battles of Bonnie Prince Charlie: The Young Chevalier at War, by Dr Arran Johnston, follows the prince over the battlefiel­ds of Prestonpan­s, Falkirk and Culloden, exploring the last Jacobite rising from the perspectiv­e of its “charismati­c but controvers­ial” leader.

It is published by Pen and Sword Books, publishers of a variety of military, aviation, maritime, local history and nostalgia books.

Dr Johnston was originally born in Derby, where he became fascinated by the story of the last Jacobite rising and its leader.

He moved to Scotland and graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 2007, completing his doctorate at the University of the West of Scotland in 2018.

He is the consultant curator of the Battle of Prestonpan­s Jacobite Museum on the town’s High Street.

The museum, in Prestonpan­s’ Victorian Town Hall, tells the story of the Battle of Prestonpan­s with a scale model of the battlefiel­d and a tapestry, and also hosts events on the history of the town.

Dr Johnston is also the founding director of the Scottish Battlefiel­ds Trust and is an active advocate for increased interpreta­tion and protection of the nation’s battlefiel­d heritage.

He is also well known for dressing up as the prince himself in the past,

The picture revealed is of a humane young man taking on a mission far greater than his experience had prepared him for

playing him in re-enactments of the Battle of Prestonpan­s.

Speaking of the book, Dr Johnston said: “This is the story of the last Jacobite rising and the charismati­c but controvers­ial prince who led it, presenting a human portrait of the Stuart prince through the words of those who served alongside him.

“The picture revealed is one of a humane and capable young man taking on a mission far greater than his experience had prepared him for, pushed to the limits of his abilities at a cost from which he never recovered.

“This book reveals the prince’s strengths and flaws as a commander, and the difficult relationsh­ips he had with the very people on whom his fortunes and reputation would depend.

“It is the story of how the prince

faced conflicts both on and off the battlefiel­d, weathered challenges posed by friends as well as foes, and left a legacy which remains hotly contested to this day.”

The book is now available to buy.

 ?? ?? Dr Arran Johnston and (inset) the cover of his new book
Dr Arran Johnston and (inset) the cover of his new book

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