East Lothian Courier

Making boxes filled with Christmas goodies

- Bassrockco­m munitygrou­p@gmail.com

GROUPS across North Berwick have teamed up to make Christmas boxes full of festive goodies for those who need it most in the community.

Bass Rock Community Group members have been busy making gifts for North Berwick Community Connection members and users of North Berwick Day Centre.

In addition, North Berwick High School student and group member Lotte Macrobert gave a presentati­on to S1s and S2 asking them to get involved in making Christmas cards to go with the gifts.

More than 30 knitted and crocheted Christmas figures, each containing a Christmas chocolate orange, have been made for day centre members in addition to 40 origami-made boxes. In total, 100 Christmas goodie boxes have been given to North Berwick Community Connection­s to deliver to the isolated and lonely, as well as members of their Scone Cafe.

Meanwhile, Bass Rock Community Group has confirmed its “independen­ce” after announcing an amicable split from Rotary Internatio­nal.

The group was founded in 2021 with a core group of members, including former Rotarians, who had helped the community during the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, after two years working together, the group has now decided to operate independen­tly and turn its focus towards projects and causes in the area.

A spokespers­on said: “After two very successful years working on local pro

jects and with other local groups, the Bass Rock Community Group has decided to operate independen­tly from Rotary Internatio­nal next year, just focusing on projects and causes in the North Berwick area.

“The group has attracted a diverse membership from all age groups and,

taking account of the costof-living crisis, as well as the primary focus being on our local community, its members have decided to operate independen­tly from January 1.”

The group charges an annual membership fee of £20 (free to under-18s) to cover running costs and

insurance but relies on the generosity of residents to give their time helping out in any way they can.

Currently it has 20 members but is always looking for more people to join.

For more informatio­n, visit the group’s Facebook page or email

 ?? ?? Group members making the Christmas boxes (also pictured)
Group members making the Christmas boxes (also pictured)

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