East Kilbride News

The TV shows folk don’t want to miss

News readers share their top telly picks

- Andrea O’Neill

After an East Kilbride bride featured on the hit TV show Don’t Tell the Bride this month, with her shocking horror-themed wedding, we took to the streets of the town to ask readers what programme they just can’t miss.

Couple Janet and John Docherty revealed they have very different tastes when it comes to the telly.

Janet, 73, said: “Poldark is my favourite TV show that I have to watch when it’s on.

“I enjoy historical dramas and also like Catherine Cookson programmes that sometimes run all day. Endeavour is also a good one.”

John, 74, added: “I’m more of a reader. There’s too much reality TV these days like that Don’t Tell the Bride. If there was a fishing programme on I would watch that – I like to go salmon fishing.”

Twenty-year-old Tilly Dunnachie from Westwood likes to get her Netflix fix with marathon TV sessions of hit US teen dramas.

She said: “I love Pretty Little Liars. I watch it constantly – I did five seasons in two weeks on Netflix. I also like to see the before and afters on Body Fixers and I was obsessed with Love Island.”

Cousin Lewis Dunnachie, also 20, added: “It has to be Game of Thrones. It’s so real and unpredicta­ble – I’ve been glued from the beginning. You get hooked on all the different storylines. Aside from that I like Rick and Morty.”

It has to be Game of Thrones...I’ve been glued from the beginning. Lewis Dunnachie

 ??  ?? Historical dramas
Janet Docherty
Historical dramas Janet Docherty
 ??  ?? Marathon viewer
Tilly Dunnachie
Marathon viewer Tilly Dunnachie
 ??  ?? Bookworm
John Docherty
Bookworm John Docherty
 ??  ?? Fantasy fan
Lewis Dunnachie
Fantasy fan Lewis Dunnachie

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