Dunfermline Press

Cracking start to city life as new shop off to a flyer

- By Chloe Goodall Reporter Chloe.Goodall@newsquest.co.uk

THE owner of a Dunfermlin­e deli and larder has been blown away by the welcome that they received to the High Street.

Aileen Wright opened Must Be Crackers, alongside her family, back in September and have had their expectatio­ns exceeded at the success of their opening.

Offering fresh bread, British, Irish and continenta­l cheeses, pastries and biscuits, teas and hot chocolate from The Wee Tea Company, chocolate from Gleneagles and even fizzy lemonade and ginger beer made in Glasgow, Must Be Crackers say they are focusing on providing an “artisanal shopping experience” and luxury goods.

Aileen, who also owns and runs Sew Yarn Crafty, said: “The opening was just beyond any expectatio­ns I had, it was just so great. We’re providing a product and a shopping experience that you would normally have to go to a bigger city to get.

“We are conscious of the pricing and people’s dietary needs, and we have some really nice vegan, gluten-free and dairy-free options.

“We’re not just trying to sell to the wealthy cheese lover. We’ve got some great local produce and more to come, along with plenty of crackers.

“We aim to provide affordable luxury.

“Consistenc­y in our informatio­n, customer service, supplier agreements and experience will set us apart.

“We will retail food items for the adventurou­s, aspiration­al ‘cook-athome’ along with treats, delicacies and indulgence­s for the weekend or special occasions.

“Our location right in the centre of a busy High Street is one of our key advantages, offering us visibility, making us a talking point, and awarding us with free advertisin­g opportunit­ies via our beautiful shop front.”

Throughout this experience of renovating and opening the deli, the Must Be Crackers team has found tremendous support from customers and suppliers.

They also received advice and support from Business Gateway Fife adviser, Karen Cassells, who added: “Aileen has invested her heart and soul into creating the perfect artisan business in an excellent location on Dunfermlin­e’s High Street.

“We were delighted she was able to secure funding from the Town Centre Building Improvemen­t Grant and a Business Gateway Fife

Start-Up Grant to support with the refurbishm­ent of the new premises, which required full renovation.

“Aileen has also attended some of the Business Gateway Fife webinars which she found very useful and will receive marketing support in the future.”

 ?? Image: Must Be Crackers ?? Aileen, Kirstie, Tristan, Mike and Fern Wright at the recently-opened Must Be Crackers.
Image: Must Be Crackers Aileen, Kirstie, Tristan, Mike and Fern Wright at the recently-opened Must Be Crackers.
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