Dunfermline Press

Recognitio­n as NHS Fife staff honoured

- By Clare Buchanan Reporter cbuchanan@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

THE efforts of healthcare staff across the Kingdom have been recognised and celebrated at NHS Fife’s annual awards ceremony.

Returning for the first time since 2019, the event saw over 120 people gather at the Dean Park Hotel.

The evening opened with a special video message from broadcaste­r and raconteur, Gyles Brandreth, who was cared for at the Victoria Hospital after a fall during a visit to Anstruther.

Guests were also treated to a performanc­e by the staff choir, Healthy Harmonies, who performed a medley of songs from their recent concerts.

Individual­s and teams were recognised across ten categories, including Team of the Year, Rising Star, and Unsung Hero and Volunteer of the Year.

Each of the finalists were selected after being nominated by their colleagues, with a panel of judges from across the organisati­on whittling down each category to a final three.

The Lifetime Achievemen­t Award was won by therapies service manager, Karen Gray, who dedicated her career to the physiother­apy service in Fife before her retirement earlier this year following 38 years’ service.

Consultant haematolog­ist, Dr Kerri Davidson, took home the Inspiratio­n Award after winning a vote amongst NHS Fife staff.

Dr Davidson was acknowledg­ed for her leadership during the pandemic, her work as a teacher and clinical supervisor, and the empathetic care she provides to patients.

Acting chair of the NHS Fife Board, Alistair Morris, commented: “The healthcare staff working in our hospitals and in communitie­s across Fife deserve immense credit for the hard work and dedication they show, day-in and dayout.

“Our Staff Awards give us the opportunit­y to begin to recognise these efforts.

“It was truly humbling to hear the stories of the incredible work carried out by teams and individual­s across Fife, and I want to congratula­te both our deserving nominees and winners.

“I would also like to pass on my thanks to all healthcare staff working the length and breadth of Fife, 365 days a year, who provide the best possible care for the population we serve.”

Among the winners were Trainee Assistant Practition­er in Community Nursing, Sian Connor who received the Rising Star Award, Peter Aitken who scooped the Volunteer Award, while the Health Promotion team was presented with the Health and Wellbeing Award.

The Service Improvemen­t Award was won by Speech and Language Therapist Rachael Swan, the Unsung Hero Award went to radiology manager Jane Anderson and the Fife Rheumatolo­gy Service received the innovation award.

Team of the Year Award went to the Infection Prevention and Control Care Home Team, while Jamie Anderson, a pharmacy technician, received the Chair’s award.

 ?? ?? The deserved winners at NHS Fife’s Staff awards event.
The deserved winners at NHS Fife’s Staff awards event.

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