Dunfermline Press

Heavy rain brings disruption to West Fife communitie­s

- By Clare Buchanan Reporter cbuchanan@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

HEAVY rain resulted in road closures and disruption across West Fife over the weekend.

Roads were flooded and routes were blocked as the forecasted downpours created havoc all over the area.

Posting on Facebook, Fife Council said the weather had caused disruption for many people across Fife and they were working hard to respond.

Over the weekend, council tenants were urged to only contact them in an emergency.

It added: “If you are a council tenant and you are having issues with a leaking roof that is not affecting your electricit­y, or require any other repairs, please register this online as a non-emergency repair or call us tomorrow.

“This is so we can focus on keeping people safe. Your assistance is much appreciate­d.”

Roads across Dunfermlin­e and West Fife were affected with flooding making parts of roads including the Coal Road, Blacklaw Road and Rumblingwe­ll in Dunfermlin­e impassable.

Motorists also had issues between Crossford and Dunfermlin­e, Oakley and Cairneyhil­l, the B913 at Saline, the B921 at Dalgety Bay while major flooding was also reported in Harley Street and Park Lea in Rosyth.

Rosyth councillor Brian Goodall took to Facebook to highlight flooding at Park Road Primary, Hilton Road, Ferrytoll Road and Parkside Street.

The weather also saw the postponeme­nt of sports fixtures with Dunfermlin­e Athletic’s game falling foul of a morning pitch inspection due to a water-logged pitch.

Providing an update on Saturday, the Scottish Environmen­t Protection Agency

(SEPA)’s Flood Duty Manager, Vincent Fitzsimmon­s, said it was “not a normal Autumn weekend for Scotland” and the extensive flooding and rain had brought with it a “danger” to life.

For future incidents, SEPA said it would strongly advise people to sign up to Floodline to receive free updates. As well as checking its live Flood Updates for all the latest informatio­n, people can view the three-day Scottish Flood Forecast to see what conditions are expected further ahead.

Over the weekend Network Rail reported many incidents of severe flooding across the network, resulting in widespread cancellati­ons to services.

Speaking on Sunday, Police Scotland Assistant Chief Constable Tim Mairs said: “Officers have had to deal with significan­t disruption on the roads caused by the heavy rainfall.

“It is important that we do everything we can to keep people safe and officers have been out in communitie­s helping those who need us.”

He added that police advice in conditions such as experience­d at the weekend included planning ahead and considerin­g if your journey is really necessary or if it can be delayed until conditions improve. If you need to travel, drive to the conditions and allow extra time for your journey.

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