Dunfermline Press

‘Fairer’ tax plan could give 45,000 Fife households higher bills

- By Ally McRoberts Reporter amcroberts@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

PROPOSALS that would land 45,000 households in the Kingdom with higher council tax bills have been slammed.

The official response from Fife Council to a Scottish Government consultati­on was to reject any rises when so many people are struggling in a cost of living crisis.

The plans, designed to make the tax fairer, would rake in an extra £ 8m for the local authority but see bills for those in the highest bracket jump by £ 763.

Only Band E to H properties would be affected but that would still see a quarter of Fife households ( 45,000) hit with bigger bills.

Council leader David Ross ( pictured, right) said: “In Fife 45,000 households would be paying hundreds of pounds more each year at a time we know there is a significan­t cost of living crisis.

“There are soaring energy costs and massive hikes in mortgage payments so now is not the time to lump another significan­t cost onto those households.

“I hope the government will see sense in terms of deferring or rethinking these proposals.”

The Scottish Government and the Convention of Scottish Local Authoritie­s ( Cosla) have asked councils for their views on the proposals.

As it stands, households in the lowest banded property ( B and A) pay around 3.96 per cent per annum in terms of the property’s value, whereas households in the highest banded property ( Band H) pay around 1.45 per cent.

If the new charging arrangemen­ts, designed to make the system more equitable, go ahead it would likely see Band E charges increase by 7.5 per cent (£ 136 a year), Band F by 12.5 per cent (£ 281), Band G by 17.5 per cent (£ 474) and Band H by a whopping 22.5 per cent (£ 763).

Cllr Ross said that it was well known that the banding of houses was not a very good indicator of wealth or income.

“For instance, a pensioner couple on a fixed income in perhaps a Band E house would end up paying substantia­lly more than a household in a lower band with three or four incomes coming in,” he said. “Just assuming that everyone in a Band E or H property is well off is far from the truth.”

Lib Dem councillor James Calder, who represents Dunfer mline South, proposed a stronger response to make it clear there should be no increases while it was also agreed that, if the changes had to come in, any increases should be lower and phased in to ease the financial pain on residents.

He was pleased it was accepted and added: “I felt Fife Council needs to send a strong message to the Scottish Government to get their act together and improve local funding, rather than taxing people already struggling with inflation and high interest rates.”

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