Dunfermline Press

Bid to ensure Inverkeith­ing is given a sporting chance

- By Ally McRoberts Reporter amcroberts@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

THE people of Inverkeith­ing want a sports hub on the high school grounds and Fife Council’s help and money to make it happen.

With relocation confirmed by the cabinet committee last week and plans progressin­g for an £ 85m secondary in Rosyth, attention has turned to what will happen with the existing site.

The new school at the Fleet Grounds will not have a swimming pool and there are fears the pool at The Wing may be lost when the current Inverkeith­ing High closes in 2026.

Local councillor David Barratt doesn’t want that to happen and told the committee: “There is a strong ambition locally that the site should become a sports hub for the area, including fit for purpose turf and artificial sports pitches and a swimming pool.

“What I’m asking for is the council to work with the community to develop proposals which match that community ambition.” the town but could put at risk the valued community use assets currently enjoyed at the existing site, including the sports pitches, tennis courts, community halls and swimming pool.”

Council leader David Ross said there was “considerab­le community concern” about the issue and tabled an amendment.

He proposed that an options appraisal report, with costings, for the future developmen­t of community- use and swimming facilities for South and West Fife should be presented to the January meeting of the committee.

And he added: “I’m also aware of the motion passed by the Dunfermlin­e area committee calling for a wider review of leisure and community- use facilities in their area and wider West Fife and a lot of that will be picked up in the options appraisal.”

Cllr Cara Hilton said: “There is an issue about the future of community- use swimming facilities, not just for Inverkeith­ing but Rosyth and Dunfermlin­e too, so this amendment is welcome as people want to know what’s happening.

“A report in January will hopefully reassure people that we are taking this seriously and we are going to put those facilities in place the community desperatel­y needs.

“I know swimming provision in particular is lacking.”

Cllr Barratt was concerned about a “watering down” of the commitment previously made to Inverkeith­ing and put in his own amendment to make “specific reference” to the existing site.

He said that, in November 2020, council officers were tasked with investigat­ing the “retention, refurbishm­ent and future investment” of The Wing and said that, almost three years on, “no such report has been presented”.

He added that he had helped secure £ 1m of council funds, in February 2021, for the purpose of investment in the site.

Cllr Barratt’s amendment asked the committee to note the “strong community desire” for the council to “make a commitment to retain community facilities on the site of the existing school”.

And he said there should be “specific considerat­ion to maintainin­g or replacing the existing community use and sports facilities in Inverkeith­ing”.

Both amendments accepted. were

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 ?? ?? Inverkeith­ing councillor David Barratt said a community use swimming pool must be retained.
Inverkeith­ing councillor David Barratt said a community use swimming pool must be retained.

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