Dunfermline Press

New Year first foot went right through pub door

- By Court reporter editorial@dunfermlin­epress.

A DUNFERMLIN­E man smashed a glass panel on a pub door and shouted abuse at the female manager during a New Year’s Day incident.

The troublemak­er was Ross Anderson, 40, of Lady Campbell’s Walk, who has also appeared for sentencing at Dunfermlin­e Sheriff Court for police assault.

He admitted that on February 22 at Haig Crescent, he shouted, swore, acted aggressive­ly, refused to leave the property when asked to do so, attempted to take possession of a pair of scissors and made threats of violence when in possession of a bottle.

He assaulted a police constable by seizing him by the body.

He then struggled violently with two officers, kicking out at them and attempted to prevent handcuffs being applied.

Anderson also admitted that on January 1 last year, at Raffles Bar on Chalmers Street, he assaulted a female by pushing her.

He kicked a window in a door at the pub, causing it to smash.

He then shouted, swore, threw a mobile phone, refused to leave when repeatedly asked to do so and called the female manager offensive names.

Depute fiscal Louise Graham said the pub incident involved Anderson becoming aggressive towards the manager when asked to leave.

He shouted, “Who the f*** do you think you’re talking to?” then called the woman various offensive names.

He was ushered towards the exit but pushed her on to seating before kicking at the pub door, smashing a glass panel.

He was still ranting in the street and told the woman: “You phone the police. My name is Ross Anderson and I’ve just done seven years in jail.”

After being arrested, he was taken to hospital as he had injured himself when kicking the door.

Defence solicitor Alexander Flett said the consumptio­n of alcohol had been a feature of his client’s offending.

“He’s now 40 and appreciate­s he can’t keep offending in this way,” he added.

Sheriff Susan Duff said: “This must have been a very unpleasant start to the new year for this woman.”

She imposed a community payback order with two years of supervisio­n and a 35-week restrictio­n of liberty order.

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