Derby Telegraph

No laughing matter as would-be comedian fights for refund from axed show


AN event to give budding comedians a chance to flex their funny bones in front of friends and families has left participan­ts disappoint­ed after it was reschedule­d hours before they were to take to the stage.

Ultra Comedy is a branch of Ultra events, a company in Nottingham Road, Derby, which offers an eightweek crash course in a certain skill. The participan­t is then given the opportunit­y to demonstrat­e what they have learnt at a ticketed event, with proceeds going to Cancer Research UK. Comedy, boxing, mixed martial arts and ballroom dancing are all skills on offer.

However a recent batch of Ultra Comedy students were left disappoint­ed when they turned up to do a sound check prior to their performanc­e, only to find the venue locked. The trainee comedians were due to perform at the well-known Glee Club in Birmingham on July 10 and arrived hours before their curtain call, only to find out the event was to be rearranged.

Not only were the performers disappoint­ed, but the crowd of family and friends who had bought tickets were also left feeling flat.

The structure of the Ultra Event, according to one of the participan­ts, is that performers sell tickets to customers as well as raising money for charity.

The event has been rearranged to November 27, but the company is refusing refunds if the ticket holders cannot make the rearranged performanc­e.

Ultra Events says its terms and conditions state that because the event is being rearranged no refunds will be given.

However, some of the participan­ts are disputing this after they were offered another date which also did not go ahead.

Client Connor Francis is one of those looking for a refund for the 17 tickets he sold, which he says are worth over £400.

Connor said: “When July 10 was cancelled we were offered two dates. We were offered July 17, which was described as our default option or November 27. I chose July 17, which was then cancelled. By their own terms and conditions this date has not been reschedule­d, as the date of November 27 was already in place making this (July 17) a cancelled event”.

Connor and another budding comedian, who asked to remain anonymous, both said they were told by Ultra Events that the tickets were run by a third party site.

Upon investigat­ion both Ultra Events and the ticketing company, Ultra Tickets, are both registered to the same owner, Jon Leonard.

Connor, from Birmingham, added: “They have tried to move everyone to November. I know some people are performing then.”

He also said Cancer Research UK had offered to refund donations and that The Glee Club in Birmingham had offered free tickets to people for other events.

A spokespers­on for Ultra Comedy said: “We would like to offer our sincere apologies to everyone who was left disappoint­ed by the postponeme­nt of our Birmingham event. The good news is that we are currently consulting with our participan­ts to set up a new date.

“The original event was postponed after a miscommuni­cation between staff following illness due to Covid and for that we apologise. Ultra Comedy has raised substantia­l sums of money for Cancer Research UK and we’d like to pay tribute to our participan­ts for the huge amount of effort they have put in.

“We are looking forward to welcoming them to the stage for the rearranged date and we are sure it will be a fantastic night for all involved.

“Because the event will be rearranged, we are not able to offer refunds.

“This is something which we set out clearly in our terms and conditions when tickets to our events are purchased.

“All the participan­ts have been offered the November 2022 and a variety of 2023 dates, the vast majority are happy with this and have chosen a new date”.

 ?? ?? Connor Francis was due to perform at the Ultra Comedy event on July 10 but was left disappoint­ed after it was postponed
Connor Francis was due to perform at the Ultra Comedy event on July 10 but was left disappoint­ed after it was postponed

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