Daily Star

Over the moon to be doing Glasto..



DON’T pitch up near Lucy Spraggan at Glastonbur­y because the festival will serve as her honeymoon.

The singer/songwriter will wed her fiancée Emilia Smith just a week before she performs at Worthy Farm and so is spending the entire four days in a tent with her new wife.

Lucy told me: “It’s in June, not too far away at all. She is gonna come along to Glasto, because when you’re a musician you start subscribin­g to the notion that you’re supposed to not enjoy your job and so you end up going, play that gig then fly back so you can get away. “But much more over the last couple of years, especially after lockdown, I have been like, ‘If I am playing Glastonbur­y I will make the most of it’ so we’re gonna arrive on Thursday, and leave on the Sunday.”

Although Lucy, who plays the Field of Avalon on the Saturday, will look far from the blushing bride as she joked she’ll have “greasy hair” by the time she performs.

And she’ll risk making headliner and Crochater Dua Lipa squirm by rocking a pair of the comfortabl­e shoes.

Lucy giggled: “Crocs are life! I have a bunion on my right foot and I can’t wear any other shoes! “Nobody talks about these bunions, it’s not fair!”

Although Lucy said her fiancée “knows what she’s talking about when it comes to weddings” because she’s a wedding photograph­er, the singer has planned most of the day. “I’m definitely the one with the spreadshee­t,” Lucy declared.

The former X Factor star sings about ditching the booze on Robbie Williams’ collab Sober and insists you can have good clean fun at festivals.

She said: “It’s easier for me as I have had to carve it out for myself, like I don’t work with people who get smashed all the time as that would be quite difficult.”

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